Pregnant women, infants, and children face a disproportionate risk from exposures to environmental contaminants. These resources will help you educate patients, families and your community about the risks they face and how to best protect themselves and their children.
Reproductive Roulette Evidence shows that reproductive health is declining as human exposures to toxic chemicals are increasing. Learn more in this self-guided slideshow.
Child Health
10 Facts on Children’s Environmental Health WHO’s ten facts on children’s environmental health provide a brief but eye-opening look at global pediatric environmental health issues.
Body Burden: The Pollution in Newborns Find out what scientists from the Environmental Working Group learned when they took blood and urine samples from ten Americans. Learn eye-opening information about body burden in children, pregnant women, and other vulnerable populations.
Pediatric Environmental Health Toolkit Endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Toolkit contains easy-to-use reference guides on preventing toxic exposures to infants and children.
PBDEs: Information for Pediatric Health Professionals What pediatric health care providers need to know about PBDE (flame retardant) exposures in children.
Vulnerable Populations Part of the E-Textbook Environmental Health in Nursing
Assessment Tools
We have many different assessment tools that can be used with both reproductive age women and pediatrics. Please go to our Assessment Tool page to download.