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EnviRN News – August 15, 2017 ANHE Sues Trump Administration

August 15, 2017

ANHE Sues the Trump Administration

WASHINGTON (August 14, 2017) – The Natural Resources Defense Council, together with the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments and Cape Fear River Watch, have sued the Trump administration over its rules for regulating toxic chemicals in consumer products and in the workplace. The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Richmond, challenges industry-friendly rules the EPA issued in July. Those rules address how the agency plans to prioritize chemicals and evaluate their health risks under the revised Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

The following is a statement by Katie Huffling, Executive Director of the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments:

“As nurses, we are outraged that the EPA would put the chemical industry’s narrow interests ahead of the health of all Americans. Our children deserve to be safe from toxic chemicals.”

More at Sue.

APHA annual conference – November 4-8, 2017
APHN annual conference – April 2018?
Clean Med – May 7-9, 2018
ACHNE annual conference – June 2018?

Webinars and Courses

Course – Case Studies in Environmental Medicine – Case Studies
Course – Chemicals of Concern – Six Classes
Webinar – EPA Rules and Children – Archived
Webinar – Mental Health and Climate – Archived

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Be Well!

Tom Engle
Newsletter Ed.