Please save the date for our Research Workgroup call on Thursday, November 30 at 3 pm ET. We look forward to seeing you!
Webinar details:
Thursday, November 30, 2017 3-4 pm ET
Audience Log-in URL:
Dial-in Number:
Attendee PIN:
306 1788#
Dr. Kevin Cromar will present “Local Health Benefits of Improved Federal Air Quality Standards”
Thursday, November 30, 2017 during our 3-4 pm ET meeting
Check out for a web-based tool on the morbidity and mortality from different air pollution standards in your community.
Dr. Kevin Cromar is the Director of the Air Quality Program at the Marron Institute of Urban Management and a member of the Utah Air Quality Board. An environmental epidemiologist by training, he has appointments in the departments of Population Health and Environmental Medicine at NYU School of Medicine. He was previously a research fellow at NYU School of Law Institute for Policy Integrity and currently serves on the Environmental Health Policy Committee for the American Thoracic Society. His current research includes collaborations with NASA, UNICEF, UNEP, and SEDEMA (Mexico City) and currently serves on the science advisory committee for the Air Quality Health Index of Health Canada. He was part of the international expert panel that produced the joint ERS/ATS policy statement on what constitutes an adverse health effect of air pollution and served as the organizing chair of the interagency (ATS, US EPA, NASA, NIEHS) workshop on air pollution monitoring for health research and patient care.