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CANCELLED – ANHE Education Work Group Monthly Call – January 2022

Happy New Year to all! A reminder that there will not be an Education Forum Call in January. See you all February 14th. The Education Work Group offers curricular recommendations to infuse environmental health nursing across nursing curricula, teaching tips to engage nursing students in environmental health as part of nursing practice, and our crowning project the ANHE […]

ANHE Global Climate Change Committee Monthly Call – January 2022

The Climate Change Committee views climate change impacts from a global lens and works to incorporate elements of practice, education, research, and policy/advocacy as it relates to solutions to address this health crisis.  Our current work includes developing educational resources that can be utilized by all specialties of nursing, identifying avenues for advocacy at local, […]

CANCELLED – ANHE Research Forum Monthly Call – January 2022

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, the January Research call has been cancelled. This presentation will be rescheduled. The focus of the Research Workgroup is to frame and support an agenda for enabling nurses to solve environmental challenges to health through the creation of new knowledge. As a recognized nurse researcher focused on environmental health, we […]