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Webinar – Latest FDA Advisory to Protect People at Risk from Dental Mercury

Have you heard about the Food and Drug Administration’s new recommendations related to amalgam dental fillings? Amalgam fillings, sometimes misleadingly called “silver fillings”, are 50% mercury. The FDA is now advising certain vulnerable populations (including children and pregnant women, people with neurological issues or kidney disease) to avoid getting dental amalgam fillings, which are a source of […]

Nurses Drawdown Webinar Series # 3: Nature-Based Solutions

Join us for our New Nurses Drawdown Webinar Series Starting on April 14, every two weeks we’ve been holding a one hour webinar on each of the five areas of action Food, Energy, Mobility, Nature-Based Solutions, and Gender Equity. We are able to offer 1 hour of free continuing education credit for each webinar. All of the […]