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EnviRN News – July 30, 2017 Donate Two Beware TSCA Green Chlorpyrifos

July 30, 2017

Donate Donate Donate Donate

Ok. I know we keep asking. Those of you who have donated, much appreciated. Those of you who have not, well, I know you are about to, so thank you in advance. ANHE is your nursing organization that works for you on environmental issues. This is my last direct ask until December, I think. Keep it going, go to Donate.


Sometimes there are two sides to an issue, both real, neither facke. We have all read good things about the very recent California energy bill. Go to: Lookin’ Good. If you want to read a little about the down side go to: Maybe not so much. The latter article references an equity assessment at Equity.


A nice piece from Barbara Sattler and Mary Miller about nurse exposure to harmful chemicals at Beware. Ok, it is a podcast not a piece, but what is a “podcast”? Something to do with a bunch of whales needing their broken bones set? Anyway, after listening go to chapter IV of the ANHE text at e-text and see the many references to follow including the referenced study of chemicals in nurses which you can download at Chemicals in Nurses.


We hope you are following the news about the Toxic Substances Control Act. Go to: TSCA. The article has links to more information. It seems that “slow walk” is a bad thing and not good like a slow dance.

Green Health

Our friends in England have started a Green Nurse Network at Green. Look it over and let us know what you think. This will probably be a discussion at some point on the ANHE Practice call. For info about the Practice workgroup to go: Practice.


Much in the news about this insectiside. Banned in Europe, banned here for residential use, but still used in agriculture. Eat up I guess. Go to Chlorpyrifos and the attempt to do something about it at SB 1624. A clue this is not good stuff from some of the brand names – Hatchet, Saurus, Warhawk, Vulcan, Stallion (how come they never name anything Mare?).

APHA annual conference – November 4-8, 2017
APHN annual conference – April 2018?
Clean Med – May 7-9, 2018
ACHNE annual conference – June 2018?

Webinars and Courses

Course – Chemicals of Concern – Six Classes
Webinar – EPA Rules and Children – Archived
Webinar – Mental Health and Climate – Archived

ANHE Website

The ANHE website is live. Go to ANHE. Let us know what you think. The full spectrum of positive to negative feedback is welcome. 

ANHE Workgroups

ANHE has a number of workgroups. Education, Practice, Research, Policy, and Climate. If you are interested in one of them, send me a note and I will forward it to the group leader, I am at ( Or go to the pull down menu ‘Work Groups’ at the ANHE site.

Be Well!

Tom Engle
Newsletter Ed.