Guest: ANHE Board Members
All great organizations need great boards. The Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments is uniquely positioned at the intersection of nursing and the environment. With creativity and passion, ANHE is changing the profession. Likewise, the organization’s board is a group of committed, capable, hard-working volunteers who help keep the organization moving forward and dreaming big. Take a listen to learn more about the board members – what they are proud of and what they hope ANHE can do.
Beth Schenk, Podcast Host
Elizabeth Schenk, PhD, MHI, RN-BC, FAAN is a healthcare sustainability leader in Missoula, Montana. Schenk developed the “Nurses Environmental Awareness Tool”. She led the development of the CHANT: Climate, Health and Nursing Tool. She developed the WE ACT PLEASE framework for environmental stewardship. Schenk serves on the national board of the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments, and on the boards of Montana Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate and Climate Smart Missoula.