2021 Student Nurse Committee Developed Resources
In 2021, the 14-student committee focused on advancing the integration of environmental health into nursing curricula. They developed a call to action asking nursing faculty and schools of nursing to commit to integrating climate and health content into undergraduate and graduate nursing courses. To support the call to action, they interviewed nursing faculty who has successfully integrate this content into nursing sources and have compiled resources for nursing faculty interested in embarking on this endeavor. Check out the resources and view the call to action here.
2020 Student Nurse Committee Developed Resources
In 2020, the student-driven and led group developed educational materials geared to nurses, nursing students, and community members around environmental health. The students self-divided into two subcommittees to focus on two different environmental issues: 1) composting and 2) environmental injustices. Get to know the 2020 ANHE Student Nurse Committee by listening to the Nurses for Healthy Environments’ podcast episode and check out the resources they developed below!
ANHE’s Mindless Composting Guide: Reduce, Reuse, Compost: The guide addresses the barriers that would prevent you from taking action at home. Taking small action might seem meaningless, but collectively, each of our efforts helps to drawdown carbon emissions to combat climate change. Our guide will help you become aware of the food waste you generate, creatively reuse your food scraps, and implement a mindless composting method no matter where you live. Start taking imperfect action by reading the Mindless Composting Guide to learn about the benefits of extending the life cycle of your food for you and the planet.
Environmental Injustices Factsheets: A suite of factsheets summarizing the disproportionate impacts from environmental exposures across populations, including What is Environmental Injustice, Impacts of Extreme Weather on Children, and Impacts of Extreme Winter Weather for people experiencing homelessness. In addition to an educational factsheet for community members summarizing the Effects of Heat on Older Adults and how to prevent heat-related illness, developed in partnership with Alternatives for Community and the Environment.