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Connecting Climate Change and Health: Nurses Leading the Way

Earth Day 2021 Conference: A Collaboration of Nurses Climate Challenge Colleges Join Mercy College, Columbia University, and New York University Colleges of Nursing for a special Earth Day virtual conference on April 21st at 5 - 6:30 pm ET. The conference Connecting Climate Change and Health: Nurses Leading the Way will examine how the dual crises of […]

Climate Change & Health 2021: The Intersection of Climate Change, COVID-19, and Structural Racism

Climate change is a growing public health concern with implications for safety and well-being; nutrition and food security; food, water, and vector-borne diseases; and mental health. Climate change and the social determinants of health are closely aligned, contributing to disparate environmental exposures and health inequalities, as a disproportionate number of low-income individuals, some communities of […]

Nurses are Here! A Global Planetary Health Movement

Few health professions have been impacted by the COVID-19 global pandemic and disasters related to climate change more than nurses. Nurses have worked tirelessly on the frontlines of health crises caused by human disruptions of Earth’s natural systems. Perhaps that is why nurses are some of the strongest leaders of planetary health solutions. This presentation […]