Bradley Thompson, MSN, RN-BC, PMHCNS-BC
Bradley has worked as a nurse and educator in both outpatient and inpatient mental health settings, and will soon be joining the Veterans Health Administration. He is one of the founders of 350 Tacoma, a local chapter of the international climate justice movement, and he also volunteers as an environmental site steward of qʷiqʷəlut, a small salt marsh located deep in the industrial Tacoma Tideflats on tribal treaty territory of the Puyallup Tribe.
Dr. Robin Evans-Agnew, host of the Nurses’ Actions for Climate Justice Series
Dr. Evans-Agnew (He, Him, His) is an associate professor in the vibrant University of Washington Tacoma’s School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership. He is co-leading ANHE’s Climate Justice in Nursing Steering Committee, and is the first host of the Climate Justice Series of the podcast. Our working definition of Climate Justice is:
“Climate justice nursing addresses the social, racial, economic, environmental, and multispecies justice issues of the climate crisis through centering the experiences and knowledges of frontline communities and safeguarding the rights of Nature to achieve planetary health.”
The Nurse Actions for Climate Justice Podcasts showcase actions nurses are taking around the globe to address and advance climate justice for people and our planet.The podcasts will form part of an anticipated virtual exhibit for the 2021 Congress of Parties meeting on Climate Change (November, Glasgow UK). In the interviews we discuss the interviewees opinions and attitudes towards addressing climate justice, and describe the actions or projects the interviewee is involved in. We summarize with suggestions for next steps and ways other nurses can get involved in similar actions in their own countries. Interviews are conducted in English, with Spanish language interpretation available (kindly provided by ANHE Latinoamérica members).
Beth Schenk
Elizabeth Schenk, PhD, RN, FAAN is a healthcare sustainability leader in Missoula, Montana. She has been working to reduce pollution from healthcare for over 3 decades. Schenk developed the “Nurses Environmental Awareness Tool”. She led the development of the CHANT: Climate, Health and Nursing Tool. She developed the WE ACT PLEASE framework for environmental stewardship. Schenk serves on the national board of the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments, and on the boards of Montana Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate and Climate Smart Missoula. She has hosted the podcast for 4 seasons, and loves speaking with nurses around the world to highlight and celebrate their work at the intersection of health and environment.