Dr. Helga Bragadottir reflects on nursing as a key and crucial component of healthcare, at the bedside, in the community and on the planet
Helga Bragadóttir, RN, PhD, FAAN, Professor and Chair Nursing Administration, at the University of Iceland Faculty of Nursing. Her area of research is work and work environment of nurses, safety and quality of care and use of technology in health care. In the past decade she has led studies on the work of nurses in acute care, missed nursing care and nursing teamwork in close collaboration with Dr. Beatrice J. Kalisch. Her main teaching area is nursing administration and leadership in healthcare. Dr. Bragadóttir has been active in international research and development projects as well as teaching, and is with Dr. Teddie Potter Professor at the University of Minnesota a pioneer in international on-line collaboration (COIL) in health sciences. She has served on several committees and boards within nursing and health care, such as ethics committees, national working groups for Icelandic authorities and organizational committees and teams. She is one of the Icelandic participants in the COST Action project Rationing – Missed Nursing care: An international and multidimensional problem.
Beth Schenk, Podcast Host
Elizabeth Schenk, PhD, MHI, RN-BC, FAAN is Providence-WSU Nurse Scientist and Sustainability Leader in Missoula, Montana, and assistant research professor in Nursing at Washington State University in Spokane, Washington.
Dr. Schenk co-leads nursing research efforts across Providence St. Joseph Health, working with nursing leaders at 50 hospitals. In her second life, Dr. Schenk leads environmental stewardship at St. Patrick Hospital, across the Washington-Montana region of 12 hospitals, and works extensively with hospitals throughout the 50-hospital health system. Schenk developed the “Nurses Environmental Awareness Tool” which has been used in multiple states and several countries to assess awareness of the environmental impacts of hospital-based healthcare. She led the development of the CHANT: Climate, Health and Nursing Tool. She developed the WE ACT PLEASE framework for environmental stewardship in nursing. She was inducted into the American Academy of Nursing as a Fellow in 2018. Dr. Schenk serves on the national board of the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments