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EnviRN News – August 27, 2017 Water Healthcare Climate Chemicals

August 27, 2017

Son: Dad, we’re doing a paper on family history. When you think back over your life, what do you remember most? Dad: Colonoscopy prep. Son: Um, I’m not sure that’s what they are looking for. Dad: Believe me, it wasn’t what I was looking for either.

Now I have a better answer – the eclipse of 2017. I hope you were able to see it! In the midst of so much unpleasantness the universe does a cool thing.


“A man’s flesh is his own; the water belongs to the tribe.” A Fremen to Thufir Hawat.

From Katie Huffling, ANHE Director: Join the Environmental Health Coalition’s Twitter chat, “What’s in Your Water: The State of Water and Our Health” 

Two out of five Americans rate their quality of water as poor. So, what’s going on here? And what can we do about it? The Environmental Health Coalition (ANHE is a founding member) will host a Twitter chat, “What’s in Your Water: The State of Water and Our Health,” on Wednesday, Aug. 30, 1-2 p.m. EDTto discuss these issues. Follow @envirn and use the official hashtag #SafeWater to join the conversation.

Please RSVP at the Twitter Chat link at Your Water.

From Beth Schenk an Op-Ed about the clean water rule, go to Beth’s Water.

Green Health Care

See the listing below for a confernece in Michigan.


It seems the news about climate change just gets worser and worser. This is a nice visual about the Alaskan Permafrost. The Temperature Circle shows 100 years of global warming in 35 seconds, and if you can get it into your slide presentations, great. I can confuse improving fuel use effeciencies with the larger goal of keeping fossil fuels in the ground and green house gases out of the atmosphere – Not Looking So Good.


Reminder that your ANHE is one of the organizations that has filed a lawsuit to force EPA to do the right thing in protecting us from harmful chemicals. News about it at ANHE, Bloomberg, and Scientific American.


Michigan Green Healthcare conference – October 4-5, 20-17
APHA annual conference – November 4-8, 2017
APHN annual conference – April 2018?
Clean Med – May 7-9, 2018
ACHNE annual conference – June 2018?

Webinars and Courses

Course – Case Studies in Environmental Medicine – Case Studies
Course – Chemicals of Concern – Six Classes
Webinar – EPA Rules and Children – Archived
Webinar – Mental Health and Climate – Archived

ANHE Website

Go to ANHE.

ANHE has a number of workgroups. Education, Practice, Research, Policy, and Climate. If you are interested in one of them, go to the pull down menu ‘Work Groups’ at the ANHE site.


ANHE is your nursing organization that works for you on environmental issues. Keep it going, go to Donate.

Be Well!

Tom Engle
Newsletter Ed.