Nurses are Standing up to Climate Change
And launching the new global effort Nurses Drawdown! Through this partnership between the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments and Project Drawdown, nurses around the world are invited to participate in science-based actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming. Check out Nurses Drawdown to learn more about FIVE key areas for action that will help reduce global warming while building health and resilience for individuals and communities.
Nursing leaders from across the nation have been developing Nurses Drawdown for the past year. In this podcast seven members of this group of founders and developers of Nurses Drawdown discuss how it got started, how it works and what their hopes are for Nurses Drawdown. The podcast guests are:
Katie Huffling, CNM, Executive Director the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments
Teddie Potter, PhD, RN, Professor University of Minnesota
Cara Cook, MSN, RN, Program Manager the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments
Trisha Mims, MSN, MBA, RN, HCM, Director of Program and Education, National Student Nurses’ Association
Claire Phillips, DNP Student, RN, University of Minnesota
Barbara Sattler, DrPH, RN, Professor University of San Francisco
Beth Schenk, Podcast Host
Elizabeth Schenk, PhD, MHI, RN-BC, FAAN is a healthcare sustainability leader in Missoula, Montana, and assistant research professor in Nursing at Washington State University in Spokane, Washington.
Dr. Schenk leads environmental stewardship across Providence St. Joseph Health, a large health system in seven western states. Schenk developed the “Nurses Environmental Awareness Tool” which has been used in multiple states and several countries to assess awareness of the environmental impacts of hospital-based healthcare. She led the development of the CHANT: Climate, Health and Nursing Tool. She developed the WE ACT PLEASE framework for environmental stewardship in nursing. She was inducted into the American Academy of Nursing as a Fellow in 2018. Dr. Schenk serves on the national board of the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments, and on the boards of Montana Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate and Climate Smart Missoula.