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Nurses In All 50 States Support Strong Federal Standards for Clean Cars And Trucks

Nurses In All 50 States Support Strong Federal Standards for Clean Cars And Trucks

Nurses in all 50 states are urging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to finalize strong and health protective federal emissions standards for light- and medium-duty vehicles and stringent greenhouse gas emissions standards for heavy-duty vehicles.

In a letter submitted to the EPA, nurses made the case that strong vehicle emissions standards are critical to protect health and achieve national climate goals. The signatories underscored the link between tailpipe pollution and poor health outcomes, including higher incidences of chronic conditions like asthma, lung disease, and cancer. By reducing air pollution-linked premature deaths and hospitalizations, EPAโ€™s proposed rules for light/medium-duty and heavy-duty vehicles are expected to save up to $280 billion and $29 billion respectively.